Our First 100 Days: Courtney Marie Andrews & Bonnie Prince Billy – I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free

April 3, 2017 § Leave a comment

Our First 100 Days is a project that aims to protect the important causes that are under threat by the policies of Trump’s administration. One rare and/or exclusive song will be released every day during the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency and all the money raised will go to organizations who are fighting the good fight. Participating in this project is like a win-win situation for a music fan. You’ll get a lot of amazing new songs to cherish and at the same time you are doing a small part in supporting human rights, preventing climate change etc.

We are in day 74 now and it would be easy to pick a couple of dozens outstanding songs. Perhaps my biggest personal favourite is this duet by Courtney Marie Andrews & Bonnie Prince Billy. They make a stunning rendition of 60s civil rights anthem I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free.

Our First 100 Days by Courtney Marie Andrews & Bonnie 'Prince' Billy

Our First 100 Days Website

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